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Six months in the TORY government in is a TOTAL shambles


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2012
This is what the British voters wanted - unfettered Tory government. Personally, I thought that the coalition government delivered good government but clearly the British electorate thought not and that the Lib Dems had to be destroyed.

The coalition delivered an Opposition WITHIN government and they put a brake on Tory excess. The Labour Party can't agree amongst themselves and we now have the basta*d child of Thatcherism and all that that entails. Bombing IS targets in Syria will make no difference to the status quo in that region but it will hasten terrorist atrocities in the UK. This government has learned nothing from the past.

What is somewhat curious to me is that the Tories are violently opposed to PR, citing the old "weak government" nonsense, yet they were in a Coalition with the Lib Dems that lasted the full term (much too the pundits surprise), plus PR would give them a pretty good chance of being in Government virtually all the time.


Many More Voting Years
NSC Patron
Aug 10, 2007
A lot of US knew what would happen if the TORIES won the election and so it has happened, we have a WAR mongering Prime Minister misleading the Commons in his HASTE to bomb Syria and he can't even get his OWN party to go with him so has to try and get a majority from elsewhere.

The Chancellor makes a policy up one day and then CANCELS it the next, finds £27billion from somewhere which is bound to end in HUGE tax rises as it disappears again and when the STRONG Labour opposition tell him to he JUMPS, cancel tax credit cuts CANCELLED, cancel cuts to the police CANCELLED, what a WEAK individual he is and LUCKILY he will never be Prime Minister.

The Health Secretary UNITES the whole STAFF against him and in a ballot result that the Kim il Jung would be PROUD of in North Korea they let him KNOW exactly what they think of him and his INCOMPETENCE.

The Home Secretary PRESIDES over immigration figures TOTALLY out of CONTROL and hasn't a CLUE what to do about it, despite PROMISING to reduce it to 10's of THOUSANDS and when it doesn't come down tries to BACK TRACK on it.

The TORIES as USUAL are riddled with SLEAZE which goes right to the TOP when the Daily MAIL campaigns about the BULLYING , Blackmail and SEXUAL Harassment that has resulted in a SUICIDE and goes right to the top and Cameron's CRONIES you know NOTHING has changed.


Vote Tory get SLEAZE

Vote Tory get SHAFTED

You were WARNED but didn't LISTEN

Meanwhile back in the real world the economy is growing, record employment figures, and Labour are making themselves more unelectable everyday, which is slightly worrying as Jesus will get sacked soon and they might get somebody who can actually run a credible opposition.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
The Lib Dems really need to get their arses in gear, there has to be an alternative to the **** in charge and the prat leading the opposition.

No party can rule and carry the UK without being centrist, hard left/hard right have their bases but they do NOT and will not ever govern successfully. This country NEEDS a sensible opposition, not a collection of quacks and loons controlled by a Union baron. The Lib Dems are a far more credible national party opposition than the current ensemble of nutters destroying a proud old party.

A Corbyn coup would not favour the Tories, as it may provide real opposition and a real and credible alternative, but I so much hope it happens as we need a credible opposition and there are many good Labour MP's from the recently purged centre, who could lead the party back into power or at least provide adult debate, hold the government to account and who see the world as it truly is.

Instead we've got a complete fool detached from reality, who voted against his own parties whip over 500 times, with a head full of marxist utopian pipe dreams, being led by a Union baron living in a time warp and a shadow cabinet full of fringe nutters and his ex bird. None of whom understand where the majority of the UK electorate are at. Right now the Labour party is not a credible opposition. I hope that changes for the good of the majority.

One Teddy Maybank

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 4, 2006
Meanwhile back in the real world the economy is growing, record employment figures, and Labour are making themselves more unelectable everyday, which is slightly worrying as Jesus will get sacked soon and they might get somebody who can actually run a credible opposition.



Old Brightonian
Nov 7, 2003
East Wales
No party can rule and carry the UK without being centrist, hard left/hard right have their bases but they do NOT and will not ever govern successfully. This country NEEDS a sensible opposition, not a collection of quacks and loons controlled by a Union baron. The Lib Dems are a far more credible national party opposition than the current ensemble of nutters destroying a proud old party.

A Corbyn coup would not favour the Tories, as it may provide real opposition and a real and credible alternative, but I so much hope it happens as we need a credible opposition and there are many good Labour MP's from the recently purged centre, who could lead the party back into power or at least provide adult debate, hold the government to account and who see the world as it truly is.

Instead we've got a complete fool detached from reality, who voted against his own parties whip over 500 times, with a head full of marxist utopian pipe dreams, being led by a Union baron living in a time warp and a shadow cabinet full of fringe nutters and his ex bird. None of whom understand where the majority of the UK electorate are at. Right now the Labour party is not a credible opposition. I hope that changes for the good of the majority.

I'm a Labour voter, but I'll never vote for Corbyn. There must be many thousands like me.


New member
May 19, 2009
Brighton, United Kingdom
I assume you're referring to the trotskis and student union opposition hand picked and now led by Red Len McClusky. Its a bit unfair to call Lens comedy puppet 'leaderless and without direction', Len is trying to lead him back to the 70's.

All hail the IRA sympathisers, 7/7 apologists, utopian dreamers with no grip on reality. It took just 5 years to lose Scotland entirely, it will take 5 months to lose the rest of the UK bar the small and irrelevant extreme left hardcore pining for the 1970's (the last time they had any relevance prior to bankrupting the UK).

Youve lost Scotland, you've lost the ALL IMPORTANT centre, you've lost ever returning as a government. Enjoy your lunatic debating chambers, nobody outside is listening and the country NEVER will.

I haven't lost anything mate including the ability to read. I won't be voting Labour now or before for that matter although I've met Len who is quite a nice bloke as it happens likes a bottle of wine, not sure I'd let him loose on anything important though.

You rant could just as easily be directed at the public school posh boys incapable of standing up to or indeed agreeing with their own party to offer a coherent strategy on Europe, in, out shake it all about, who's middle east blundering has no end game or middle or beginning that anyone with half a brain can see, who cannot carry through their welfare policy because Lord nonce and the rest of the inbreds won't let them, who cannot manage to fund the NHS through November let alone a whole year and who seem to have lost and then found £27b from the back of the sofa but can't think what to do with it. That's when they're not stuck up half the homeless kids in London or bullying their interns to death, and that was my point. A plague on both their houses or is that essential second property in order to serve their constituents better.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
The facts speak for themselves but if anyone thinks the Tories have failed, think again. They have been hugely successful in what they have set out to do. Make their rich chums richer and the poor poorer. You think they for one second care about ANYTHING other than creating an Elitist nation with their type on top then you're more foolish than I thought. They have triumphed in their mission. They spit in our faces and don't even bother to make excuses anymore. Pure scum. Tory voters, hang your heads in shame, hang your bloody heads .

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
The tragedy is that it's the equivalent of having John Obika up front, looking at the bench and seeing Leon Best as the substitute.

The government has been a disgrace for the last six months, being more interested in marginalising and emasculating their perceived opponents during the election campaign (Unions, the poor, the disabled, the BBC, Freedom of Information supporters), rewarding their supporters through cronyism, nepotism and gongs, and spending more much time positioning themselves for taking over from DC (Osborne, May, Boris) than on developing a strategy to address the long term economic interests of the country.

This is safe in the knowledge that Red Jezza and the lunatic McDonnell have turned Her Majesty's Opposition into an unelectable laughing stock.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2013
than on developing a strategy to address the long term economic interests of the country.

This is safe in the knowledge that Red Jezza and the lunatic McDonnell have turned Her Majesty's Opposition into an unelectable laughing stock.

There's not much that I want to defend Corbyn and his increasingly small cohort within the PLP on, but one thing they have done is assembled a decent enough team to consider the long term economic interest of the country. By this, I mean the likes of Richard Murphy, Mariana Mazzacuto, (Adair Turner)? There might be some guy that could enlighten them on football economics too.


Coffee Buyer
Jul 5, 2003
So what do you want more beheadings more poor Refugess heading for Europe with terrorists sneaking in.
Bankrupt country no defence against Russia 3 million unemployed declining NHS etc etc
All parties have bad apples.

But beheadings are ok...... so long as it's Saudi Arabia doing it

JC Footy Genius

Bringer of TRUTH
Jun 9, 2015
Corbyn should give the OP a job as his spin maestro would fit right in with the rest of the quality team he has assembled around him.

spring hall convert

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2009
If the measure of success of a Government is 'how much of the plebs' tax money can be put in the hands of shareholders in private companies,' they're doing an excellent job. As have all governments since 1979.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
This is what the British voters wanted - unfettered Tory government.

and what they've ended up with is Tory-lite. abandoning welfare cuts, increased spending across the board, increased taxes of billions on businesses. austerity ended in the autumn statement. yet many seem to think their caricature image of the Tory party is in power, oblivious to how they've wandered over on to the center ground that used to be New Labour. odd how perceptions persist.


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
The facts speak for themselves but if anyone thinks the Tories have failed, think again. They have been hugely successful in what they have set out to do. Make their rich chums richer and the poor poorer. You think they for one second care about ANYTHING other than creating an Elitist nation with their type on top then you're more foolish than I thought. They have triumphed in their mission. They spit in our faces and don't even bother to make excuses anymore. Pure scum. Tory voters, hang your heads in shame, hang your bloody heads .

Meanwhile the Labour party, facing such a blantantly open goal, select Jeremy Corbyn as their leader... it would be hard to make something like that up!

Oh yeah, and what about the abandoning of the tax credit reductions.. how does that constitute 'spitting in our faces' and 'making their rich chums richer and the poor poorer'?

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
They seem leaderless and without direction, which regardless of political allegiance is worrying since we have 4 more years of this lot...

As opposed to Labour I guess who seem to have a leader the elected party majority don't want and therefore have no idea which direction they would like to go, still they have got four more years to make their mind up I guess.


Well-known member
Meanwhile the Labour party, facing such a blantantly open goal, select Jeremy Corbyn as their leader... it would be hard to make something like that up!

Oh yeah, and what about the abandoning of the tax credit reductions.. how does that constitute 'spitting in our faces' and 'making their rich chums richer and the poor poorer'?

Oh please, don't let things as inconvenient as facts ruin someones political views. We know the line; All Tories are selfish, All Labour are the 'Salt Of The Earth'/of the people/compassionate.

As posted above, they are all as bad as each other. Corbyn thinks it was OK for him to defy the whip, yet it's not right when it's against him. Hypocrite?; of course not as he's left-wing.

Raleigh Chopper

New member
Sep 1, 2011
Just the tip of the iceberg Ernest you could go on and on its disgusting.
Interesting that, just like the election, the Tory blue rinse brigade never stick up for them or care to explain they just reply with a smear against Labour and mostly untrue just to scare.
I often get pelters for being a leftie on here for slagging the Tories and that is because under Cameron I hate them but I have never said who I prefer.
Why do I not slag Labour off? Because they are not in power and the election is years off, I am only interested in the government who are making the decisions, I will think about the opposition nearer the time.
But how Bozza and his mates on here can defend this appalling and weak government time and time again is mind boggling, i can only imagine you must be very selfish and extremely uncaring.
Truth is I totally agree with the thread about them all being rotten to the core, UK politics is a shambles and that is why I can say what I like about any of the parties, I have no bias whatsoever, I dislike them all.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
The tragedy is that it's the equivalent of having John Obika up front, looking at the bench and seeing Leon Best as the substitute.

dont worry, we've got Ryan Harley in midfield and both Billy Paynter and CMS should be fit again soon :moo:

Bold Seagull

strong and stable with me, or...
Mar 18, 2010
Meanwhile the Labour party, facing such a blantantly open goal, select Jeremy Corbyn as their leader... it would be hard to make something like that up!

Oh yeah, and what about the abandoning of the tax credit reductions.. how does that constitute 'spitting in our faces' and 'making their rich chums richer and the poor poorer'?

There are other threads to talk about the opposition.

Is your only response to criticism of this government to revert to a pop at Labour, and celebrate the abandoning a terrible policy? Crikey.


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
Surely we can't afford a war on our current budget?

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