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So was 9/11 an inside job or not? (merged)


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2014
Ive recently watched a tonne of documentarys and footage and my conclusion is yes 100%
Horrendous really to murder your own citizens but I guess most governments have been doing that for donkey's

Ps I know it's like 16 years late, I've been busy

Just out of intrest did you vote remain or leave in the referendum?

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
I was going to see if anyone had quoted that one, gas explosion causing a partial collapse is perfectly understandable scientifically. Grenfell not falling, even slightly, is also explained scientifically but building 7 is not only not explained, but NIST gave up trying to and ended up being forced to support the official story.

The truth is that the biggest crime scene ever was dismantled and destroyed as soon as possible, so no steel was tested for thermite or any other incendiary devices. But there is evidence to suggest that thermite was used in the buildings. Science also tells us that it wasn't possible for the fires to be burning to the temperature required to melt steel. The official explanation for the collapse of the towers is a joke, and the problems with the official story mount as you actually investigate it.

I've long since been fascinated by 9/11 because it's the single biggest man caused catastrophe of my life time, there's been nothing on that scale since. I've watched all the videos, read the official report and a few other books and I'm currently reading "The New Pearl Harbour" by David Ray Griffin which doesn't talk to the specifically theories but it talks to the whole story of 9/11 and the evidence to suggest that the official account is lacking in reality. For anyone who hasn't done the research, I'm talking about the re-financing of the insurance policy on the towers to cover them separately against acts of terrorism, I'm talking about the put options purchased in United and American Airlines' stock in the days before 9/11 (which would pay out massively if there was a big drop in their share prices - which there was), I'm talking about the re-wiring work in the South Tower the weekend before 9/11 which caused all CCTV and power to be cut to the top section of the building and I'm talking about all of the communications and warnings that the CIA and other agencies had received prior to 9/11 about the specifics of what was coming.

There's too much incompetence in the official story for it to be believable and there are too many genuine questions and inconsistencies based on eye witness testimony, testimony of the people involved on the day (Rumsfeld, etc) and there are too many coincidences for it to be believable. Some people say, "there are too many people who would have known too much for a cover up to be possible" - well, a lot of people do know their small part in the puzzle which resulted in the attacks.

Personally, based on all the research I've done personally, it's my opinion that the American government knew an attack was coming and stood down the airforce and stood down their usual protocols to allow it to happen as a pre-text for war. I watched Bush in some primary debates and he used language he would later use after the attacks and there are documents drawn up in the year before 9/11 which specifically talk about the need for "a catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbour". Another thing that people don't know is that Saddam Hussein was beginning to sell petrol in the Euro currency, beforehand all petrol sales were in USD which underpins the entire US economy. By changing to Euro, the American economy would have been severely damaged. 9/11 was used to invade Afghanistan and then Iraq (despite their lack of involvement in 9/11, blame the Saudi's and Pakistan) and put a stop to petrol sales in Euro. I believe that nobody knew how many lives would be lost, and that there was genuine remorse about it but they allowed it to happen for the greater good.

But bottom line, 3,000 people died. That is a staggering number of people, including one of our own. So for all the theories and the talk of uncovering the truth, this fact needs to be remembered and considered because ultimately, that's the reality of the day. The worst day.

Hillsbrough's victims had to wait more than 20 years to get the full truth and realistically, 9/11 will take a lot more than that but I believe that in my life time (I'm 29 currently), the truth will come out and it will be what has been claimed all along because the facts speak for themselves, whatever the official account may say.

Steel doesn't have to melt to collapse, it has to lose it's integrity and become mailable. ie, it bends.

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
I've formed my opinions based on the evidence I've seen and read. I reject some of the things mentioned, holograms instead of planes for example - that one loses me. But it's interesting to me as well that [MENTION=1991]hove born&bred[/MENTION] spoke about the insurance policy because that's one of my call outs from the whole thing. 9/11 isn't just what happened to the towers or the Pentagon (don't get me started, the official story is MENTAL), but it's about what happened before and after.

If you find yourself with a spare 1:51:eek:dd, there is a YouTube video combining all of the air traffic control recordings which are very interesting and potentially damning. The military were not properly informed and usual operating procedure was not followed. The official story talks to the hundred and something examples of suspected hijackings and the steps taken in the year previously to 9/11, but on that day the usual procedures were not followed and even when planes were scrambled, they weren't from the nearest airforce bases or sent in the right direction (the irony of your username strikes me most here).

There's an interview with Trump either on the 12th or 13th September 2001 and he speaks very candidly about his disbelief about the whole day. I think there's a good chance that, come September when everyone is thinking about 9/11 again, he'll say and/or do something which will bring it all back to the forefront of American media. The facts do not support the official story and like Hillsbrough (on an enormous scale) the truth will eventually be told. It's too important for the truth not to come out eventually.

Does the video contain any or all of the following:

Still photographs that the camera zooms into or pans across to give the impression of motion?
A stock soundtrack made up of sinister piano music that abruptly ceases when the narrator thinks he's made an important point?
A narrator that sounds about 16 years of age with a nasally voice who gets out of puff when he's making points he thinks are important?
Throwaway and glib comments about very serious matters, "I mean we all know steel melts at X degrees but why let science get in the way of a government cover up, right guys"?
Interviews with grey haired men who , for undisclosed reasons, no longer practice their profession?

If so, I'm out.


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
They didn't need to learn the hard bits - taking off and landing !

No Just guiding them with missle like accuarcy into two towers and the pentagon. They didnt just highjack them and crash them into the sea, it took extreme skill to achieve what they did.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2013
Just out of intrest did you vote remain or leave in the referendum?
Neither, I chose not to believe all the bullshit I was being fed, which turns out was the correct decision, something old pastafarian can't stand

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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
Regardless of any 'evidence', theories, or anything else you can look up on internet, the sole thing that suggests it couldn't possibly have been a conspiracy is the amount of people that would have had to be involved in pulling it off. Do any of the believers seriously think that humans have the capacity to keep their mouths shut on this kind of scale? "They were paid off" they'll claim. It doesn't matter how much you pay people, if there are that many people involved, one of them will talk eventually. Whether it's through guilt or greed for more money / fame, someone would have broken. Law of averages suggests some of them must be dead by now, surely there would have been a death bed confession somewhere. It is absolutely impossible for a conspiracy of that scale, which would have to involve many people outside the government and secret services, to remain a secret. And even if it was possible, the Americans would be the last people on Earth to be able to pull it off.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
Preston Park
Steel doesn't have to melt to collapse, it has to lose it's integrity and become mailable. ie, it bends.

The buildings were designed to stay up even after a combination of fire and catastrophic explosion. The unknown was the aviation fuel that escaped from the wings and provided an accelerant that super heated the steel to the point of buckling.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Late to the thread on this one and I see it's got a bit feisty. The Last Podcast on the Left did an excellent podcast on 9/11, dealing with the pseudo science but balancing it with the political will at the time for a reason for such an event.

If nothing you'll learn a lot about the politics of the time.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Just out of intrest did you vote remain or leave in the referendum?

he said on the brexit thread he didnt bother to vote as he thought it would make no difference and wouldnt change whether we stayed in or out of the EU.......yeah......mad isnt it

EDIT: he is consequently very unhappy we are leaving..........what a wally


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
No Just guiding them with missle like accuarcy into two towers and the pentagon. They didnt just highjack them and crash them into the sea, it took extreme skill to achieve what they did.

I really don't think it did. Flying a plane isn't that difficult once you're up, and aiming it into the two biggest buildings in New York isn't exactly a small target. It doesn't take extreme skill to drive a car into a lamp post. That's just another lazy argument based on speculation. They went to flying school apart from anything else, where they would have learnt to fly, funnily enough.

Surely if it was really impossible for some (flying school trained) terrorists to fly two planes into the WTC then every pilot on Earth would have instantly come out and said "that's clearly bollocks".


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Regardless of any 'evidence', theories, or anything else you can look up on internet, the sole thing that suggests it couldn't possibly have been a conspiracy is the amount of people that would have had to be involved in pulling it off. Do any of the believers seriously think that humans have the capacity to keep their mouths shut on this kind of scale? "They were paid off" they'll claim. It doesn't matter how much you pay people, if there are that many people involved, one of them will talk eventually. Whether it's through guilt or greed for more money / fame, someone would have broken. Law of averages suggests some of them must be dead by now, surely there would have been a death bed confession somewhere. It is absolutely impossible for a conspiracy of that scale, which would have to involve many people outside the government and secret services, to remain a secret. And even if it was possible, the Americans would be the last people on Earth to be able to pull it off.

That's a very sound point, but it would largely counter the full-fat conspiracy theory (e.g. towers were demolished, it was Zionists blah blah etc) other theories centre around the idea that the attack was known about and the controls which would have prevented it were effectively 'switched off' or stood down. That would involve far fewer people and those involved wouldn't know the consequences at the time.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
The buildings were designed to stay up even after a combination of fire and catastrophic explosion.

and a dirty great ****ing jet liner flying into them at 500mph?

I never understand all this "They were designed to stay up" argument. I'm pretty sure the architect never tested flying a passenger jet into them. The i360 is designed to go up and down every day, doesn't mean that's what happens in practice.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
A Northern Outpost
Well keep your gob shut then

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Hitherto my point.

The class clown thinks he's intelligent because he has a non-mainstream opinion, then gets up tight when he's told his opinion is wrong.

You're not intelligent. You're just making yourself look even more the clown than you've already done so.


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
I really don't think it did. Flying a plane isn't that difficult once you're up, and aiming it into the two biggest buildings in New York isn't exactly a small target. It doesn't take extreme skill to drive a car into a lamp post. That's just another lazy argument based on speculation. They went to flying school apart from anything else, where they would have learnt to fly, funnily enough.

Surely if it was really impossible for some (flying school trained) terrorists to fly two planes into the WTC then every pilot on Earth would have instantly come out and said "that's clearly bollocks".

and the Pentagon...


New member
Jan 5, 2012
A Northern Outpost
and a dirty great ****ing jet liner flying into them at 500mph?

I never understand all this "They were designed to stay up" argument. I'm pretty sure the architect never tested flying a passenger jet into them. The i360 is designed to go up and down every day, doesn't mean that's what happens in practice.

My knees were meant to with stand that tackle. They didn't.



Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 28, 2004
That's a very sound point, but it would largely counter the full-fat conspiracy theory (e.g. towers were demolished, it was Zionists blah blah etc) other theories centre around the idea that the attack was known about and the controls which would have prevented it were effectively 'switched off' or stood down. That would involve far fewer people and those involved wouldn't know the consequences at the time.

Yep, that's a completely different argument though, and isn't what Wrong Direction and others are claiming on this thread. And I still think it's nonsense, however far more plausible than some of the nonsense being claimed on this thread.

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
She was there, it was a live shot and she was in New York. The BBC weren't the only ones reporting on the collapse before it had actually happened, you can find all this on YouTube. It's probable that there was a wire story which is why they were all picking up on it but the point is that the news were reporting on the collapse before it happened. And then it collapsed. If you watch footage from around Building 7 beforehand, all firefighters are expecting it to collapse and they're trying to get people out of the area.

Why would firefighters getting ready to evacuate the building support your theory? Are you suggesting they were in the know about your theories and coluded in the conspiracy. Are you suggesting firefighters let their colleagues and thousands die to support a war in Iraq? Not only are you wrong, you're a gullible child.
When one looks at your long rambling justifications for your sick theories one can see the thrust of your evidence is "believe me I've done enough research" followed by "I've chosen not to mention that part" and that's about it. You disappeared when the questioning got a bit detailed.

Sick loser.

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