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Barcelona: Van hits crowds on Ramblas tourist area


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2011
Plovdiv Bulgaria
F#cking wake up Europe. Our kids and women are being gang raped all over Europe by MUSLIMS. We are being murdered at will by MUSLIMS. Hatred against the West, the conquering of our country, the murder of non-believers is being preached in MUSLIM mosques and the police know it and do f#ck all about it. People will light candles, people will sing songs and then everbody will go about their daily business waiting for the next inevitable attack. Islam is a religion of war. The weak Governments across Europe will be the cause of a major uprising. When one nation's desperate people rise up, it will spread like wildfire. It is time to clamp down hard on Islam now before this happens and thousands more die. The truth is evil, but it MUST be faced, for the sake of our thousands of raped children and women at least. I'll probably be called a racist for this post but I am not. Islam is racist, misogynistic and homophobic. They are the Nazi's.
Well said .


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2011
Plovdiv Bulgaria
I disagree. The more extreme strand of Islam wishes to kill us. The mainstream is not violent but finds the ultra liberalism of the current younger generation of Westerners and city dwellers incompatible with their values. This is feeding recruitment by the Jihadis as much as anything else. There has been no reformation in their religion. Look at the persucution of homosexuals and oppression of women in Islamic societies and then think about your definition of extreme.

Correct .

Tyrone Biggums

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Geelong, Australia
We got news that one of my best mates sister in law was there when it all went down. If her and her friend hadn't been distracted by something in a shop metres away from the crash point they might not be here now as they were walking towards that area. You can live a million miles away and yet these ***** can still impact peoples lives through their actions.



Mar 11, 2015
Whilst there are clearly cases where whole families appear to be full of Jihadists, I don't think it's as easy as that. For a start, many of the young men who are picked up by MI5 are because someone in the family has contacted the authorities. If you threaten to kick the entire family out then no-one is going to let on to the security services that they have a radicalised family member.

We've had such a case here in Brighton. One young lad was radicalised and he's now dead (and I'm certainly not going to shed any tears over that) but would it be fair to deport his mother also? Have a read of this:
I'd kick her out , she shouldn't have been here in the first place , she'd been given asylum in holland wtf was she doing here ? Also her jihadi son was at college but lived in a bedsit , 3 guesses who was paying for that.

Steve in Japan

Well-known member
NSC Patron
May 9, 2013
East of Eastbourne
I've copied this from an article in the Telegraph, by Ed Husain, entitled "Enough of blaming the West. The terror will continue until Muslims reject the need for a Caliphate". The author of "The Islamist", Husain is a former Islamist Radical who rejected extremism. Knows a bit about this subject.

He writes......

Today’s Spain is considered to be “occupied land” that must be liberated. The last Muslim ruler of Granada, Boabdil, who negotiated a peaceful end to his emirate in 1492, made a terrible mistake, argue the extremists. Spain must return to their version of Islam, for in that literalist reading of religious scripture, the world is divided into two realms: Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb, the Abode of Islam and the Abode of War. And once a land is controlled by Dar al-Islam it must forever belong to that sphere. Terrorism is merely a tactic to support the aims of the caliphate.

In February this year, Isil warned that it would target Spain’s beaches and increase its propaganda material in Spanish. But Spain is not the only target. India was also part of their interpretation of Dar al-Islam because it was under the Moghuls until 1857 and must therefore return to the domain of the caliphate. Israel must be destroyed as the caliph must reclaim Jerusalem. Turkey’s Muslim reformer, Kemal Ataturk, ended the caliphate in 1924 and a secular Turkey must return to the fold. Charles Martel of France defeated the Umayyad caliph’s soldiers in the Battle of Tours in 732, and Austria held out against the Ottomans in the Battle of Vienna in 1683. Time and again, Isil refers to the West as “crusaders” and targets the Pope and Rome as eternal enemies of Islam.

They are prisoners of history, and this selective narrative of the past fuels their chosen grievances of the present. For them, the West is to blame for every dictator and injustice in the Middle East. They talk of*the Sykes‑Picot agreement of 1916 as if it were yesterday. The dictatorships, tyrants and lack of prosperity in the Arab world fan the flames of anger. The prisons of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Algeria are full of Salafi‑jihadists who wished to overthrow their governments and create societies based on rule of hardline sharia. Between dictatorial tyranny and religious theocracy, where is the freedom for ordinary Arabs to reform their countries?

In addition, we have radicalised networks of extremist Muslim organisations reinforcing the worst elements of victimhood. They operate on the internet, but also in our universities, communities and prisons. Like the communists of the last century, they rail against capitalism, injustice, the West and dictators, and talk about the racism faced by French Muslims, or the Islamophobia encountered by British Muslims, while offering an ideological panacea: Muslims are weak and can only be strengthened by creating a powerful caliphate.

To strengthen Muslim identity against the West, they seek to divide and rule. They abuse religion to amplify differences, rather than unite based on common belief in one God, goodness, and faith.

The attack in Barcelona and the calls by Isil to attack beaches weren’t random: they hate the freedom of women to dress in bikinis. They attacked the*Ariana Grande concert in Manchester in*May*because they despise men and women dancing freely to music. They attacked Charlie Hebdo because they refuse to allow for blasphemy. They target synagogues and kosher grocery stores across Europe because, like their neo-Nazi counterparts, they hate Jews.
But when I visit Turkey, I see Muslim*women in bikinis on the beach beside women in headscarves. In Tunisia, Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi, leader of the conservative Ennahda party, talks about the mosques being open, and also the bars and the beaches. In Morocco, I see Jewish communities honoured.

We have to be honest. Across the West we now have 30 million Muslims who are Westerners. There is no war against Islam. The freedom of Muslims to worship and live proves that the old, imperial paradigms of Isil’s Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam are outdated. Most Muslims are quietly thriving in business, politics, media, sports, and more. In Britain, Mishal Husain’s voice wakes us up on the*Today*programme. Nadiya Hussain of*The Great British Bake Off*prepares cake for the Queen. Mo Farah reinstates British sporting pride. The list goes on. But there is a dark, sinister movement growing, too.

Ten years ago, when I wrote my book*The Islamist*and warned against this ideology on the rise in our midst, many in the Muslim community dismissed me as an alarmist. Today, an actual caliphate exists and its soldiers are wreaking havoc.

Enough of blaming the West. Isil has attacked 30 different countries, and the vast majority of its victims in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and elsewhere are Muslims. Isil and other extremists thrive on the justification that it is religiously obligatory to create a caliphate. Jihadists commit mass murder in the pursuit of, or defence of, this belief in a caliphate. For too long we have been responding to their terror tactics, rather than uprooting their strategic objective. I learned through my own studies and long conversations with religious authorities that a caliphate is not a religious obligation. We can be perfectly Muslim*without aiming to subjugate others to a theocracy.

Muslims must reject the idea that we need a caliphate. Unless we discard the drive for a Muslim super-state, many more will be killed in pursuit of it. Muslim organisations, governments, websites, political parties, religious leaders and educational institutions must roundly, unreservedly accept that we no longer need a caliphate. Remove*that objective and the violence to justify it falls away. The West must take sides, too, in this battle of ideas among Muslims.

Steve in Japan

Well-known member
NSC Patron
May 9, 2013
East of Eastbourne
Meanwhile, In the Times, Parris writes a well-intentioned article about how we should mitigate the terrorist risk - bollards etc. And the top-rated comment below the line (which is only open to Subscribers) is a call for Islam to be proscribed In the West..


Well-known member
May 19, 2009
Finland Terror Attack: Killer is 18 Year Old Moroccan Asylum Seeker, Victims are Finns, British, Swedes, Italian

Finnish police investigating a mass knife attack in the city of Turku Friday afternoon have said they consider the event a possible terror attack and have made a number of further arrests at private homes and an asylum centre.

An 18-year-old Moroccan male asylum seeker was arrested Friday after having been shot in the leg by a police officer. He is being held on suspicion of murder and a possible terrorist intent.

The suspected killer arrived in Finland last year and was “involved in the asylum seeking process” and lived in an asylum centre in the city of Turku, according to reporting from the police press conference by Finnish broadcaster YLE.

Finnish police released more details about the investigation and incident Saturday morning, including that the two deceased victims are female Finnish citizens aged 15 and 67. Among the eight injured victims are one British, two Swedish, and one Italian citizen.

In addition to the arrest of the suspected killer, a further four individuals have been arrested at private homes and an asylum centre in Finland, and they are reported to be Moroccan citizens. An Interpol arrest warrant has been issued for a fifth wanted man.

Police said the attacker apparently chose his victims at random and when he failed to obey a verbal order from a police officer, he was shot and incapacitated.


Mar 11, 2015
Finland Terror Attack: Killer is 18 Year Old Moroccan Asylum Seeker, Victims are Finns, British, Swedes, Italian

Finnish police investigating a mass knife attack in the city of Turku Friday afternoon have said they consider the event a possible terror attack and have made a number of further arrests at private homes and an asylum centre.

An 18-year-old Moroccan male asylum seeker was arrested Friday after having been shot in the leg by a police officer. He is being held on suspicion of murder and a possible terrorist intent.

The suspected killer arrived in Finland last year and was “involved in the asylum seeking process” and lived in an asylum centre in the city of Turku, according to reporting from the police press conference by Finnish broadcaster YLE.

Finnish police released more details about the investigation and incident Saturday morning, including that the two deceased victims are female Finnish citizens aged 15 and 67. Among the eight injured victims are one British, two Swedish, and one Italian citizen.

In addition to the arrest of the suspected killer, a further four individuals have been arrested at private homes and an asylum centre in Finland, and they are reported to be Moroccan citizens. An Interpol arrest warrant has been issued for a fifth wanted man.

Police said the attacker apparently chose his victims at random and when he failed to obey a verbal order from a police officer, he was shot and incapacitated.

Well done Angela, what fools we are for wanting control of our borders......


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Replace Muslim with Christians and you'll get the same post.
Ok, let's see:
Hatred against the West, the conquering of our country, the murder of non-believers is being preached in CHRISTIAN churches and the police know it and do f#ck all about it.
Really? News to me.

Christianity is a religion of war. The weak Governments across Europe will be the cause of a major uprising. When one nation's desperate people rise up, it will spread like wildfire. It is time to clamp down hard on Christianity now before this happens and thousands more die.
I can't see where you're coming from.

JC Footy Genius

Bringer of TRUTH
Jun 9, 2015
Finland Terror Attack: Killer is 18 Year Old Moroccan Asylum Seeker, Victims are Finns, British, Swedes, Italian

Finnish police investigating a mass knife attack in the city of Turku Friday afternoon have said they consider the event a possible terror attack and have made a number of further arrests at private homes and an asylum centre.

An 18-year-old Moroccan male asylum seeker was arrested Friday after having been shot in the leg by a police officer. He is being held on suspicion of murder and a possible terrorist intent.

The suspected killer arrived in Finland last year and was “involved in the asylum seeking process” and lived in an asylum centre in the city of Turku, according to reporting from the police press conference by Finnish broadcaster YLE.

Finnish police released more details about the investigation and incident Saturday morning, including that the two deceased victims are female Finnish citizens aged 15 and 67. Among the eight injured victims are one British, two Swedish, and one Italian citizen.

In addition to the arrest of the suspected killer, a further four individuals have been arrested at private homes and an asylum centre in Finland, and they are reported to be Moroccan citizens. An Interpol arrest warrant has been issued for a fifth wanted man.

Police said the attacker apparently chose his victims at random and when he failed to obey a verbal order from a police officer, he was shot and incapacitated.

The police have now said he specifically targeted girls/women.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Ah come on you can't take his post seriously? Jesus.
The post saying 'wake up Europe. Our kids and women are being gang raped all over Europe by MUSLIMS'?

That post seems to have resonated with quite a few posters here. You said 'replace Muslim with Christians and you'll get the same post', and I don't really get your point. What is your point?


Don't wait for me!
Jan 19, 2010
Brighton - In your face
The post saying 'wake up Europe. Our kids and women are being gang raped all over Europe by MUSLIMS'?

That post seems to have resonated with quite a few posters here. You said 'replace Muslim with Christians and you'll get the same post', and I don't really get your point. What is your point?

My point was his post was diabolical. Are you defending his post?


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
My point was his post was diabolical. Are you defending his post?
I wasn't commenting on his post, I just didn't understand yours.
I don't agree with Wellesley's post, but I don't disagree with all of it. I think hatred is being preached in some places and I don't think enough it being done to stop it. I do think there are fundamental problems with Islam.


Don't wait for me!
Jan 19, 2010
Brighton - In your face
I wasn't commenting on his post, I just didn't understand yours.
I don't agree with Wellesley's post, but I don't disagree with all of it. I think hatred is being preached in some places and I don't think enough it being done to stop it. I do think there are fundamental problems with Islam.

Just most of it surely. It was utter hateful shite. It was so stupid I've put it in comic sans.

Our kids and women are being gang raped all over Europe by MUSLIMS
On May 13, 2017, Pope Francis acknowledged that the Vatican had a 2,000 case backlog of sex abuse cases.

We are being murdered at will by MUSLIMS.
More likely to be killed by dogs, whereas as murder on the whole in the UK is rising, not due to the 2% population of muslims.

Islam is a religion of war.
So is every religion if you read it that way.

Islam is racist, misogynistic and homophobic.
Homophobia: The Bible, Jude 7: just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” (1 Timothy 2:11-14)

Racist Islam? Not if you read it.
"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female, and have made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Indeed the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted" [Quran 49:13]

They are the Nazi's.
And this, a week after a Christian Nazi drives through a protest crowd.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Just most of it surely.
I noted above the couple of points I don't completely disagree with.

I'm no fan of the bible, but it does say that killing is wrong. It's not ok to kill non believers is it?

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