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The establishment and historic child sex abuse


May 26, 2013
I think he's innocent and a miscarriage of justice. All these victims now wanting his millions. Seems to me like a massive scam like insurance on houses and car claims.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Seems like every celeb I could do a half decent impression of when I was a kid has been banged up. I've only got David Bellamy and captain caveman left in my repertoire.

I could always do a half decent impression of the characters from Rainbow. I reckon Zippy had a zip on his mouth for a reason though. Bet he had a few stories to tell and they could just shut him up when they wanted.

The Legend that IS Lawro

It's 'canard' Del
May 8, 2013
Burgess Hill
If people bought a Rolf pic because they liked it, then art is still art and I would see no reason to get rid personally. If they bought a 'can you tell what it is yet?' as an investment, bad luck. Apparently the value of investments can go down as well as up.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
I did not have you down for having sympathy with the rich folk who squirrel their money away in art and jewels.
You had me down? Bit silly putting my head above the parapet like this, but what did you have me down for?

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
You had me down? Bit silly putting my head above the parapet like this, but what did you have me down for?

never mind, everyone wants to fight today I apologies for making an assumption about you....

have sympathy for rich people who invest in art if you wish no skin off my nose. It's not like it should be a gamble or anything like the stock market or sticking it on a horse at goodwood.

Cheeky Monkey

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
You had me down? Bit silly putting my head above the parapet like this, but what did you have me down for?

A couple of wildebeest grazing on The Serengeti watercolours and a rough sketch of Her Majesty. That'll be $40,000, I mean $25,0000, I mean $10,000....

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