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  1. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Nope, you are a buffoon. In Soistes laudable tome yesterday he was clear about his political ideology, and that amounted to an internationalist view where his concerns for the plight of British workers in this country were of no more priority than for other workers from Bulgaria, Romania or as...
  2. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Someone has to stand up for the British working class in this country, because neither tories or international liberals or Marxists are going to do that............its a shame I have to because its what the old Labour Party used to do. MPs like Eric Varley, Peter Shore and Michael Foot must be...
  3. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    If you were a lawyer then I am sure you could argue that executive authority in the commission existed with the 1958 Treaty of Rome, however you would also know on the other side of that argument that when subsequent EU treaties are introduced (like Maastricht in 1992) then the articles in these...
  4. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Sure, but one is the legacy of this country's political landscape which has been insitu for hundreds of years and is (slowly) being reformed. Further whilst the HoL can hold up and/or prevent laws proposed by democratically elected MPs becoming law (like the one below), there is the Parliament...
  5. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Nope, it's fine we have established that you are comfortable with the concept that laws can be imposed on the UK without the need for our democratically elected representatives to approve it. This is a new development arising from the Lisbon Treaty, which the electorate was never asked to...
  6. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    That misses the critical point, but have it your way, if the lords in the houses of lords (or another executive body) were chosen by MPs then you would be entirely comfortable that they could impose laws on the British electorate without the law needing to go through the democratically elected...
  7. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    I appreciate your candour Soistes, and you make some interesting points now we are down to the meat of your sandwich. There are far too many moving parts to our membership of the EU for it to boil down to some basic left wing right wing argument of good hobbits versus evil orcs, however sadly...
  8. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Hmm, just check GL (not an expert) and I concede you may have a I will take it back (rather than edit) its not a country mile. The rest stands.
  9. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    You are wrong by a country mile on both counts. If the UK and EU systems were analogous then in the UK we would have a situation (and a long standing one at that) whereby laws would be made and imposed by (say) the Houses of Lords or the Monarch. Both institutions are not elected by the...
  10. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    So let me get this right............when a foreign national resident in the UK is convicted of molesting children in the UK, and we subsequently find out that the perpretrator had similar convictions in the country they lived in do not see any correlation with a...
  11. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Difficult to know where to begin with this response, I guess essentially your point is that we have “a small group which make all the decisions and tell the others to get in line or else” here in the UK therefore we should accept the exactly the same environment at an EU level. It’s a good job...
  12. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Surely in 1975 it was the EEC, i.e. the European Economic Community...............there was nothing at that time about creating a political governance framework that would compete with national Govts. As we can tel that position in 1975 is a long way away from what we have...
  13. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    The UK has a long established local and national governance framework that's been in place since before countries like Germany and Italy were even created, and sure it can shift around; isnt that why the Scottish are getting a referendum on independence? That's democracy right? From an EU...
  14. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    To be fair continental Europeans are well used to the unrestricted movements of Germans......................
  15. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    OK, so let’s start at the beginning. Have you ever voted for a position whereby “people” entirely unelected by the British electorate can impose laws in this country……………..if you cannot remember when this particular position arose, I can tell you, it was in the Lisbon Treaty. This ratified the...
  16. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    What does that matter, notwithstanding the fact that the British electorate have not been asked to approve open borders for foreign nationals from EU countries, the rules are wrong because they are not serving to protect the British public from individuals not conducive to the British public...
  17. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    The scale of some of the frauds being perpetrated is new, and just like the epidemic levels of fraud being generated from arranged car crashes all customers will end up paying for the more spohistcated controls that will be required to combat the attacks. ATM fraud is a particular speciality of...
  18. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    What a wonderfully docile citizen you must be totally conforming and supporting all Australian laws because they are the rules. I guess it must be difficult in Australia with some political matters given your unequivocal stance on the rules, take Gay marriage for
  19. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    Why should it, if the UK Govt wants to implement a sensible measure to protect its citizens from criminals that should be it........who has superior authority over the UK Govt? I note that Australia has a similar measures for visiting foreigners, would the Australian electorate accept a...
  20. C

    Thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians spotted at the borders

    I am only worried about the UK, I don't care what happens in other countries.........there are states in the US that still have the death penalty, I could not care a jot if a British criminal is executed. That said the US have a visa system that prevents previously convicted foreign nationals...
