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[Albion] Away returns


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
Sussex but not by the sea
Has anyone got any knowledge or experience of the club reselling away tickets? Do they do it at all? Or if someone can no longer attend and tells the club then does that seat just remain empty?
I’m trying to get a Palace ticket for my lad (lowest tier STH) and I’m happy to keep checking the site but wondered if I’m simply wasting my time.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2021
A handful often appear close to the date of the game, will come down to luck pretty much if you bag one.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
Has anyone got any knowledge or experience of the club reselling away tickets? Do they do it at all? Or if someone can no longer attend and tells the club then does that seat just remain empty?
I’m trying to get a Palace ticket for my lad (lowest tier STH) and I’m happy to keep checking the site but wondered if I’m simply wasting my time.
I've seen a few Forest and Chelsea tickets appear this week.

More commonly, generally in the week before the game itself, the club release any tickets they were holding back for staff, club partners and players' F&F.

Sid and the Sharknados

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 4, 2022
Has anyone got any knowledge or experience of the club reselling away tickets? Do they do it at all? Or if someone can no longer attend and tells the club then does that seat just remain empty?
I’m trying to get a Palace ticket for my lad (lowest tier STH) and I’m happy to keep checking the site but wondered if I’m simply wasting my time.
They definitely say they do it if they're told the original purchaser can't make it in good time before the game.
A bunch of tickets popped up for Forest at the start of this week.
I'm not sure what the bands were for Palace, but if your lad's not in the band it sold out in originally then you won't be able to buy a ticket for him when any go on resale.


Shite Supporter
Jul 6, 2003
He doesn’t have above 238 points (which was tier 2) so I read this that if any became available then he could try to buy.
Thanks all.
I mean, he can certainly try clicking a greyed out "Buy" button when it appears... (!!!)


NSC Patron
Jun 27, 2012
Has anyone got any knowledge or experience of the club reselling away tickets? Do they do it at all? Or if someone can no longer attend and tells the club then does that seat just remain empty?
I’m trying to get a Palace ticket for my lad (lowest tier STH) and I’m happy to keep checking the site but wondered if I’m simply wasting my time.
Concur with @Bozza here ...i've often picked up tickets this way. Just by regularly refreshing the page, watching out for NSC alerts /threads like this and tweets. Normally the key moment is the week leading up to the game when dozens of tickets are normally released due to returns of guest tickets but odd tickets turn up randomly at any time.
Unfortunately i don't think there's a set time and i think the number of tickets is fewer than it used to be due to higher demand .
Remember they only release them to the tier Or A+ etc when ticket sales sold out or closed. So if they sold out at Tier 2 - then you'll have to be in Tier 2 to pick em up.

Was not Was

Loitering with intent
Jul 31, 2003
I have an unused ticket for Forest away on Saturday. A family member, for health reasons. I called the club and offered to take the ticket to Falmer, so they could resell and write a new name on the ticket. They declined. They were super polite about it, but the only reason they gave was "because Forest only give us one copy of each ticket", which is irrelevant when I can deliver them the physical ticket. I really don't understand why they won't do this. There are people who want a ticket, yet there will be an empty seat.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
Sussex but not by the sea
I have an unused ticket for Forest away on Saturday. A family member, for health reasons. I called the club and offered to take the ticket to Falmer, so they could resell and write a new name on the ticket. They declined. They were super polite about it, but the only reason they gave was "because Forest only give us one copy of each ticket", which is irrelevant when I can deliver them the physical ticket. I really don't understand why they won't do this. There are people who want a ticket, yet there will be an empty seat.
I just called them to ask if there was a time limit on staff returning comps, they couldn’t tell me. They also confirmed they can’t/don’t sell returns and any tickets which become available just before the game are unused comp tickets, which have technically not been ‘sold’ so they can now sell them.

To me this seems nuts. They can resell Europa League tickets if they are returned so why not EPL? You would think that this is harder logistically than domestic.

This got me thinking on the likelihood that the club might bring in ‘sanctions’ for away no shows who don’t pre-warn the club, which goes a bit deeper than not getting the loyalty points, in the same way that they have with Europa League.


Plastic JCL
Sep 14, 2016
To me this seems nuts. They can resell Europa League tickets if they are returned so why not EPL? You would think that this is harder logistically than domestic.

Think the Europa tickets are actually easier as they are all electronic where as most away tickets are paper so require more admin and logistics.

*EDIT* I got this wrong, was thinking of the home Europa matches. Ignore!
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Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
This got me thinking on the likelihood that the club might bring in ‘sanctions’ for away no shows who don’t pre-warn the club, which goes a bit deeper than not getting the loyalty points, in the same way that they have with Europa League.
Jesus, so we would have to report in sick?


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
Just bumping this one... I have 3 x tickets for Liverpool away (1 adult and 2 u18s) that I can now no longer get to. Just contacted support services who said there was no resale/refund process for away games.

For a sold out game this seems crazy! Anyone had any experience/tips as to how to make these available to other fans??

Wardy's twin

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2014
Just bumping this one... I have 3 x tickets for Liverpool away (1 adult and 2 u18s) that I can now no longer get to. Just contacted support services who said there was no resale/refund process for away games.

For a sold out game this seems crazy! Anyone had any experience/tips as to how to make these available to other fans??
Absolutely crazy if this is the case... not sure what channels exist , maybe @Bozza, Fans Advisory Board or an email to Paul Barber. I can't see how it should be too difficult , I would expect the numbers to be small so manageable by a simple list if a 'process' does not exist.

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