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[Albion] Olympique de Marseille vs Brighton & Hove Albion *** Official Match Thread ***


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
if we hadn’t of got that pen we’d of lost.

Jim in the West

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 13, 2003
Way out West
Just back in my Airbnb - painful getting out of the ground and back to the city centre, but we pretty much knew it was going to take ages.
Anyway - WOW! That was one helluva day!! The atmosphere in the stadium was unreal - could hardly hear myself think for most of the match. And I really, really feared for us after going 2-0 down. But the guys stuck in there and pulled out a massive second half performance. So proud to be a BHA fan today. Those players really did an unbelievable job in a real cauldron of noise - especially JP at the end. Amazing!

North of Robertsbridge

Active member
Sep 22, 2023
East Sussex
Just back in my Airbnb - painful getting out of the ground and back to the city centre, but we pretty much knew it was going to take ages.
Anyway - WOW! That was one helluva day!! The atmosphere in the stadium was unreal - could hardly hear myself think for most of the match. And I really, really feared for us after going 2-0 down. But the guys stuck in there and pulled out a massive second half performance. So proud to be a BHA fan today. Those players really did an unbelievable job in a real cauldron of noise - especially JP at the end. Amazing!
Yes the noise level was unreal and constant. Have to admire the passion in the Virage Nord end (and probably the other end, couldn’t hear them). My take is that had an impact on our players then they just got used to it. And credit to the BHA fans for the noise level given our numbers and to RDZ and the players for their acknowledgement


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
That noise was something else.

I tend to agree with the other posters who said it unsettled some of our players. The first half hour they were clearly getting used to it. Last 60 minutes, much much better.

Loved it. What an amazing first European away trip. Just a shame that Marseille have allowed such a moronic set of ultras to get out of hand. I really believe that all human beings can get along if they try, but this culture is now ingrained.

Amazing night. Loved it! Loved loved loved it!

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
I really hope that Welbeck opportunity (when he should have squared it to Fati) doesn't end up costing us a place in the top 2.
it was really poor from DW that - but you can’t blame one mistake for our whole group outcome. Joao Pedro had an identical opportunity at 2-2 in the AEK game, and hit it at the keeper’s legs much the same, when a square pass to an unmarked Mitoma was a certain goal.

Quebec Seagull

Vive le football... LIBRE!
Oct 19, 2022
Gatineau, Québec, CANADA
Yes the noise level was unreal and constant. Have to admire the passion in the Virage Nord end (and probably the other end, couldn’t hear them). My take is that had an impact on our players then they just got used to it. And credit to the BHA fans for the noise level given our numbers and to RDZ and the players for their acknowledgement

Drums and foot-stamping make a HUGE difference. Here in Ottawa and Montréal, our 'soccer' teams play in open-air, unroofed stadiums, but the constant bass-like backbeat produced by thousands of spectators makes our relatively small crowds (mostly League 1-sized) sound like there are twice as many of us than there actually are.



Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Roland and his groupies


Garry Nelson's Left Foot

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
They’ve moved on. You should too.
No offense but that's a bit of a silly comment.

The team is missing the skills that those two players brought. It's perfectly o.k to mention that a few games after they've left while the team tries to re-calibrate. If they left 17 years ago I'd concede you had a point.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Zabbar- Malta
Great turn around, if only we'd nicked one before half time I think we'd have gone on to win it.

We clearly are struggling in midfield at the minute, I wonder if it's worth trying to play 3 centre mids in a 3-5-2. Need some more presence.

Shout outs to Veltman and Lamptey, the two MOTM for me.

So pleased for Tariq.
He has had a very tough couple of years and is looking a class player again.

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